This irregularly scheduled fashion post is taking a little detour into Angie's random musings. Or pity party. I'll let you be the judge. I struggle with body image. About ten years ago after putting on what is generally referred to the secretary spread, I went on South Beach and lost the secretary spread plus some. Through mostly healthy eating and frequent gym attendance, I was about to maintain for a long time. Who needs Friday night happy hour...not this girl! Friday night after work is the best time to hit the gym--it's completely empty! But then I had a couple of kids. Bye-bye gym membership. And I've struggled nto find that happy balance. I'm not one for living life on a diet. I want to eat healthy and pass that to my children.
At the beginning of the summer, we began the process of selling our home and buying a new one. And it was stressful. And I found myself stress eating. Now that everything is said and done, I've gained close to ten pounds. I know it won't come off overnight. ..there is no quick fix. I need to cut back on the extras and work more exercise into my routine. I know this. But meanwhile, I'm frustrated. And disappointed in myself.
Thanks for letting me clear my head. I've got a run scheduled for tonight. Hoping for a repeat of Friday's run (Sunday's run was not great).