Sunday, February 23, 2014

2013- a fashion review

I began documenting this new and more stylish Angie via Instagram about a year ago.  Looking back, some of the first Instagram posts are a bit cringe worthy.  We have to crawl before we can walk, right? Cringe worthy posts aside, I have made some huge fashion strides trying a number of trends along the way. I was a boot-cut pant wearing girl who has embraced skinnies, cropped pants with bold prints, pattern mixing and statement necklaces. Along the way, I discovered a new love of blazers. I finally understand what Stacy and Clinton of What Not to Wear have been preaching for a decade (anyone else still miss the show?)- blazers are finishing pieces that really complete your look.
Print mixing and cropped pants
Loving on some blazers

Looking forward to a more fashionable 2014.


Friday, February 21, 2014

January recap part 2

And here's the big question. did I do with my self imposed shopping ban? I made one purchase that one an out and  purchase- Sam & Libby metallic heels purchased for $12 from $40 at Target.
I also made a few other purchases that I feel were justified: new gym clothes on super sale from Old Navy (total purchase $40);
two pair of pants from The Limited (I used returned a few items and purchased using Limited Cash); an anchor top from Old Navy $12 and striped skirt $15. I had a coupon for $15 because I'm a loyal Old Navy customer-ha! Plus $15 off the purchase of $50 so the top was basically free and the skirt was completely free.
Did I shop: the truthful answer would have to be yes. But I'm okay with the purchases I made. I really did need new gym clothes. I mean, the last time I seriously purchased gym clothes was before my oldest was born and she starts school in the fall. It was long past time to toss those old clothes. The few purchases I made were paid for using returns and discounts. And what did I take away from the challenge? I have a lot of wonderful pieces that I am working hard to use instead of focusing on the newest item in the stores. I am looking forward to continuing remixing my current pieces and only purchase when I have an actual need.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

January recap Part 1-#2014closetremixchallenge

It's the end of January which means the end of month one of the #2014closetremixchallenge.
How did I do? What did I learn?  Let's skip how I did for just a minute and focus on what I learned.  I  managed a month full of work looks remixing only a handful of items. That's right, twenty full outfits without repeats. And mostly I'm embarrassed thinking about all the items hanging in my closet still waiting to be worn.
Week One
Week Two
Week Three

Week Four

Rather than talk about the looks that worked, I'd like to discuss the ones that didn't.

Week One: 
I didn't like the tights with this skirt. I grabbed cheapy tights from Target and found the fit to be too uncomfortable to last the day.
Week Two: 
The fit on these pants aren't working for me here. Hence the #fitandfab2014 I'm also doing on IG (Isn't IG wonderful?)

Week 3:
Can we talk jewelry overload? this would be IG gone wrong. It just wasn't me.
I stripped off half the jewelry and it felt much more me.

Week 4:
Monday's look. I had a blah day and it totally showed in my look. 
But my very favorite look is this. All the stars aligned and this perfect look emerged.
Check back next time to see how I did during the challenge and why I'll be continuing into February.